Please provide the username and password to your Domain Hosting (this is where you bought your business URL - e.g. GoDaddy,, etc). Please provide the username and password to your Domain Hosting. This is where your website lives (e.g. WPEngine, BlueHost, Siteground, etc). You can also add
[email protected] as an administrator. Please confirm either way in the box provided.
Please provide a login to the platform that you manage your website on (Wordpress, SquareSpace, Wix). You can also add
[email protected] as an administrator. Please confirm either way in the box provided.
[email protected] to Google Analytics: Please provide confirmation in the box.
Please provide all Social Media URLS. One line per handle.
Please provide any other credentials that would be needed to review your content, Data and execute against the Scope of Work agreed upon. For example, MailChimp, Kajabi, SalesForce, UnBounce, LeadPages, Thinkrific, Teachable. You can also add
[email protected] as an administrator. Please confirm either way in the box provided.