Gigi Yogini – Public Figure Website

When working with our clients, in particular people who are selling a lifestyle service – we like to encourage them to feature themselves all over the website in high-quality imagery and story-telling. Gigi Yogini’s website is a great example of how to feature oneself. She has a number of photos, from headshots and her in landscapes to images of her doing yoga and even just sitting with her pup. By showing her face and her smile, she is making it easy for users to connect with her personally. By marrying captivating imagery with headlines that encourage an emotional connection, users are engaged more deeply in the material which ultimately, aides in conversion.

Gigi’s yogini features a customized backend WordPress interface so she can edit her site, list integration, customized purchasing pages driving to paypal and a blog. This site tells Gigi’s story – that she is a bright light and can help you shine your own radiance.
