From Awareness to Action: How Dot Think Design Amplified the Inflammatory Breast Cancer Research Foundation’s Voice

The fight against inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is a relentless one. This rare and aggressive form of the disease often masquerades as an infection, leading to delayed diagnoses and poorer prognoses. Raising awareness and accelerating research are critical weapons in this battle, and the Inflammatory Breast Cancer Research Foundation (IBCRF) is on the frontlines.

That’s where Dot Think Design came in. We were called upon to reimagine the IBCRF’s digital presence, crafting a website that wouldn’t just inform, but ignite action. This wasn’t just another website build; it was an opportunity to amplify the voices of patients, researchers, and advocates.

Brand Discovery 2.0: Unearthing the IBCRF’s Core Identity

Before diving into design and development, we embarked on our signature Brand Discovery 2.0 process. This wasn’t just about aesthetics; it was about uncovering the IBCRF’s soul. We delved into their mission, values, and target audiences, conducting interviews with stakeholders and analyzing competitor landscapes.

What emerged was a powerful narrative: a fierce determination to conquer IBC, fueled by unwavering compassion and a vibrant community. This became the guiding star for everything that followed.

User Experience: Designed for Empathy and Empowerment

We knew the IBCRF website needed to be more than just an information portal. It had to be a space for connection, a platform to empower patients, and a launchpad for research breakthroughs.

Our user experience (UX) design focused on clear navigation, intuitive information architecture, and accessibility. We weaved in storytelling elements – patient testimonials, research updates, and calls to action – to create an emotionally resonant experience.

A WordPress Website Built for Growth and Impact

Dot Think’s WordPress expertise ensured the IBCRF website was not only beautiful and functional, but also scalable and sustainable. We equipped them with the tools to easily update content, manage user engagement, and track website analytics.

The result? A website that speaks volumes. Bold yet approachable, informative yet inspiring, the IBCRF’s new digital home reflects the strength and resilience of the community it serves.

More Than Just a Website, a Movement

This project wasn’t just about pixels and code; it was about human connection and collective action. We’re proud to have partnered with the IBCRF to create a website that amplifies their message, empowers their community, and ultimately, helps win the fight against IBC.

Visit the IBCRF website and see for yourself how design can ignite change. And if you’re looking to amplify your own organization’s voice, don’t hesitate to reach out to Dot Think Design. We’re here to help you tell your story and make a difference.

Together, let’s turn awareness into action, one website, one story, one life at a time.