Mindful marketing to amplify mindful living.

Dot Think’s digital partnership helps Elephant Journal spread the good life beyond the choir.
Elephant Journal is the internet’s leading resource on modern mindful living and has been working to share unique perspectives, eco-living and mindfulness for almost twenty years.
In a technology-driven design partnership, Dot Think and Elephant Journal work together to design and develop themed months that speak to target demographics – from self-care and eco-living, to intimacy and motherhood. And every month, Elephant Journal collaborates with a mindful partner innovating in the same space.

Dot Think designs and develops custom landing pages to support monthly themes, complete with unique theme logos and imagery. Working closely with the editorial team at Elephant, we change out imagery, develop creative and ensure pages are optimized across devices and browsers. Once launched, Dot Think assists in campaign rollout with graphics and ad placements across email, social and on-site placements.
With themed landing pages drawing an average of 25,000 visitors per month, Elephant Journal readers are truly enjoying this editorial and design curation of mindful media.