User experience design & development to bring folks together for a brighter tomorrow.

Dot Think Design has partnered with Fairfield County Community Foundation to redesign its website page-by-page. With WordPress at the helm, Dot Think interwove the best of technology, design and strategically-managed content to deliver a homepage that seamlessly highlights the organization.

With the mission of bringing people and resources together to solve our region’s challenges through innovative and collaborative solutions, the homepage prioritizes content in a way that invites passionate people to contribute.

From top-to-bottom, the design features FCCF’s mission, scopes the depth of the organization’s work, spotlights what’s new and summons individuals, families, corporations and companies in the area to make a difference.  The page closes with the blog, offering viewers the opportunity to explore FCCF’s impact and directly donate.

True to industry standards, the new page design is user-responsive and adapts to FCCF’s audience, comprised of 65% desktop, 30% mobile, and 5% tablet interfaces.

The result? An upgraded homepage with accessible function and composition, driven by the goal to inspire action and help people thrive.

Together, we can close the opportunity gap in Fairfield County by eliminating disparities in income, education, employment, housing and health.

Visit the site.

Fairfield County’s Giving Day Opens Opportunity to Give


Fairfield County’s 5th annual Giving Day is here! This dynamic 24-hour online fundraising event began at midnight on March 1st!

Over the past 4 years, Giving Day has raised over $4.5 million through 55,000+ donations for more than 650 nonprofits Serving Bridgeport, Fairfield, Stamford, Greenwich and towns across Fairfield County. As the biggest philanthropic day of the year, Giving Day is an amazing opportunity for regional nonprofits to boost funding, connect with donors, and build more awareness for their incredible work throughout the region.

Designing with Impact for a day of Significance

Responsible for Giving Day branding, Dot Think defined the general look and feel for all visual assets, notably the classic circle logo and all print ads. Working with long term client Fairfield County’s Community Foundation, the team delivered extra life into the graphics by utilizing animation for the official video, and even super-sized the Giving Day message onto a billboard. Bold text, crisp graphics and vibrant color blocks assembled beautifully to engage the community.

The clock is ticking!

You can be a philanthropist and support the causes nearest to your heart. On March 1, go to and search for the nonprofits you want to support with a donation. As little as $10 can make a difference to any one of the 437 participating nonprofits – and help your favorite organization win a cash prize so they can serve more people in Fairfield County.



Fairfield County’s Community Foundation promotes philanthropy as a means to create change in Fairfield County, focusing on innovative and collaborative solutions to critical issues impacting the community. Individuals, families, corporations and organizations can establish charitable funds or contribute to existing funds. The Community Foundation is in compliance with the Council on Foundations’ national standards and has awarded over $220 million in grants to nonprofits in Fairfield County and beyond. As a trusted nonprofit partner and thought leader, Fairfield County’s Community Foundation brings together community organizers, business experts and philanthropists to solve our region’s challenges. Our goal is to create a vital and inclusive community, where every individual has the opportunity to thrive.



As a woman-owned & operated agency based in Fairfield County, Connecticut, Dot Think Design serves businesses and nonprofit organizations across the US with branding and marketing strategy, print and web design, social media and email campaigns. Clients include the Fairfield County’s Community Foundation, Cedar Roof Company, Town of Groton Parks & Recreation, Mill River Park, Cacace, Tusch & Santagata, Give Back Yoga Foundation, Vita Design and more.


INTRODUCING: The 2018 color of the year is…Ultra Violet!

Open Your Mind’s Eye to Intuitive Ultra Violet (18-3838)

The 2018 pantone color of the year is confirmed. Selected for its inventive and imaginative qualities, this shade of purple is surely set to influence art, design and the runway. But don’t think this is JUST a fashion statement. Truly setting a “tone”, the pantone color of the year is chosen to reflect current cultural shifts.

We are living in a time that requires inventiveness and imagination. It is this kind of creative inspiration that is indigenous to PANTONE 18-3838 Ultra Violet, a blue-based purple that takes our awareness and potential to a higher level. From exploring new technologies and the greater galaxy, to artistic expression and spiritual reflection, intuitive Ultra Violet lights the way to what is yet to come.

Leatrice Eiseman
Pantone Color Institute Executive Director

Read more of Eisman’s statement here

Ultra Violet in Our “Extra” Lives

Associated with technology, mindfulness and spiritual discovery, Ultra Violet encourages us to feel deep and expand out. Taking a step back, we live in amazing times and technology is making astonishing advancements. But of course it is not without growing pains! In an information rich world, little remains below the surface for long. Ultra Violet reminds us that amid much digital stimulation and digging up of truths, we would do well to connect back to ourselves and to each other.

Here at Dot Think, we are so on board. Honoring the power of our combined intuition, we thrive in the realms of discovery, design, and story-telling (all with the seamless integration of technology). We also recognize the sacredness of balance and re-connection. On our downtime you can often catch us in a yoga studio, the beach, or reading up on political #resistance.

As this bluish-purple glow casts a light on our world, we you invite you to look up – The galaxy is the limit!


The Pantone Color Institute is a consulting service within Pantone that forecasts global color trends and advises companies on color in brand identity and product development, for the application and integration of color as a strategic asset.

Dot Think Design is a woman-owned & operated agency based in Fairfield County, CT that serves nonprofit and for-profit organizations across the US with branding and marketing strategy, print and web design, social media and email campaigns, technology solutions and development.


Welcome to our new client: Mill River Park Collaborative

Mill River Park Collaborative Selects Dot Think to Nurture Brand & Media Strategies

Stamford, CT – With a goal of connecting more people to a natural refuge in the heart of downtown Stamford, Mill River Park Collaborative has retained Dot Think Design to complete a marketing audit and provide high-impact strategic support.

Mill River Park Collaborative (MRPC) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that works hand-in-hand with the public and the City of Stamford to bring about the long-cherished community vision of a central park in the heart of downtown. Its mission is made possible through members and donors, who fund most of the park’s annual budget and infrastructure.

As a vibrant, evolving community space, Mill River Park preserves 12 acres of greenway around Mill River, with more expansion to come. Park amenities include a playground, slated to be rebuilt with a splash pad in 2018; the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Skating Center, now under construction; and the David & Marian Nissen Carousel, available for rentals and birthday parties. MRPC also partners with local schools to provide first-class education on nature and environmental stewardship, with the Whittingham Discovery Center slated to open soon for education and interactive exhibits.

Sharing a Story, Inspiring Action.

Similar to the cherry blossom festival celebrated each spring in Mill River Park, bright online developments are set to emerge from this partnership. After completing a brand and marketing audit, Dot Think will collaborate with MRPC to forge a fresh path in content marketing, email marketing, and social media strategy.

Dot Think’s mission is to help nonprofits engage and convert potential donors through a holistic process of discovery, design, compelling storytelling and seamless integration of technology.

“At Dot Think, we believe passionately in the power of people coming together to do good. Nonprofits are the heart of our communities – and we want to use our experience to help your organization make an impact. Whatever your needs, we can be there for you – with the best tools, data to match your goals and access to industry gurus. Give me a call, and let’s talk about ways we can collaborate to magnify your reach and impact through thoughtful, authentic messaging.”

Corti Cooper
Principal & Creative Director, Dot Think Design

From the restoration of Mill River to bring back native flora and fauna to the ongoing creation of places to gather, play and learn, the park’s evolution is extending to the online landscape – and we at Dot Think are honored to support them.


Dot Think Design is a woman-owned & operated agency based in Fairfield County, CT that serves nonprofit and for-profit organizations across the US with branding and marketing strategy, print and web design, social media and email campaigns, technology solutions and development.


LAUNCHED: Watermark Capital Management’s New Website

Wealth Management Meets Better Branding

Dot Think collaborated with Watermark Capital Management in building a secure website with an inviting online presence. Investing careful attention to the design, image strategy, tone and voice, we were happy to provide a serious brand upgrade.

Crafting personalized financial strategies that support their clientele, Watermark creates a forward thinking atmosphere of service and trust. Dot Think was motivated to create a user experience to match while placing wealth management at the hands of the customer. With an attractive and responsive website, financial inquires are now easy to answer. Simple navigation offers quick accessibility to the Watermark approach and services, while a custom login page grants exclusive interaction with the team.

View it Now >

We are dedicated to making the world easier to navigate.

Dot Think loves to assist clients in clearly stating their mission so that their product can improve the lives of their customers.

Dot Think supports Fairfield County’s Community Foundation, the Give Back Yoga Foundation, Y12SR, the Foundation for MetroWest and Elephant Journal, among others.


An Interactive Journey With Women Who Rock {The New York Times article}

Rock Ruled by Women

Here at Dot Think, we never fail to take notice and cheer when we see women stepping up, taking the lead and changing the world. And we never stop searching for new playlists that inspire us to push forward, kick ass and keep on rockin’ in the free world.

So when The New York Times published an interactive article this week showcasing 25 female-led or non-binary bands making the best rock music today, we held a virtual team celebration on Slack to celebrate a content jackpot.

Responding to the question, “Where have the guitars gone?” the piece introduces us to a new generation of musicians who are creating unique and revolutionary punk rock. Experience the whole story here.

Pulling together refreshing sound, a contagious sense of solidarity and the smart utility of digital media, this story is cutting-edge while cutting the edges of gender conformity. Reflecting the D.I.Y style of the featured musicians, the multi-media article is constructed from text, videos, gifs and playlists that visitors can click through at their own pace – a rich case study for engaging content (not to mention a rewarding way to spend a lunch break).

Navigating Obstacles While Making Noise

Skillfully woven between sound bytes and video interviews, the women featured in the story are asked about their experiences navigating roadblocks in the industry and society.

“Do you play the keyboard? Whose girlfriend are you?”

As women in tech, reading these stories are cathartic because we know this life! And we don’t get down about it because at next click we get a recording of “Somos Chulos” by Downtown Boys.

We’re in love with any frontwoman who says, “I really learned how to sing by practicing protest chants.”

Thanks, New York Times, for taking a hard look into challenging realities while balancing this with an empowering response. It’s revolutionary journalism – not just voyeurism, but an inspiration to action.

Our world has been rocked in a way that feels right. And if you need us, we’ll be listening to the full Spotify playlist: “Rock’s Not Dead, It’s Ruled By Women.”


Dot Think Design is a woman-owned & operated agency based in Fairfield County, CT that serves nonprofit and for-profit organizations across the US with branding and marketing strategy, print and web design, social media and email campaigns, technology solutions and development.


Mastering the brand challenge – authenticity & heart {Heineken Ad}

Is there more that unites than divides us?

Participant A: “I would describe myself as a feminist, 100%.”
Participant B: “Feminism today is man hating.”

In keeping up with our daily dose of media, it can feel like our differences are so great and so hopeless to bridge that perhaps we just let this bridge burn (in a brilliant, brilliant inferno).

But a new Heineken ad is taking a stand – and we’re watching. More akin to performance art than advertising, the new campaign Worlds Apart: An Experiment addresses the ways in which we relate to each other amidst our lively political climate.

Two strangers (with VERY different views) are led into a room where they work together to build an IKEA-esque bar. It’s followed by a Q&A where they ask each other a series of meaningful questions, such as “Describe what it is like to be you in 5 adjectives.”

A moment of tension follows when the participants watch a prerecorded video of their political opinions. “I don’t believe that climate change exists” discovers he has just built – well, not a bridge, but a bar – with “We are not taking enough action on climate change.”

Then, the participants (no longer strangers) are invited to either stay and drink a beer together…or leave. And, spoiler alert, THEY ALL DRINK BEER!

The #OpenYourWorld campaign seeks to demonstrate that we are more than this polarization. That there is more that unites us than divides us. And that sometimes, all we need to find common ground is a willingness to talk about it over a beer.

Watch the full video here:


Authentic brand messaging – the key to connect

Heineken has successfully pulled off a brilliant example of capturing the human spirit while selling a product. Campaigns that capture the heartbreak and joy of the daily human experience can be tricky, as proven by the poorly executed, tone deaf ad Pepsi recently unveiled. Pepsi seized the moment, but failed to recognize the true spirit of the resistance movement. The result was an ad that co-opted and minimized the passion and pain of protesters, drawing all the wrong kind of attention.

For brands, the key to campaigns that speak to the essence of the human experience is authenticity. Do you truly understand how your customers’ lives are made more joyful, meaningful and connected through your products or mission? When you connect with these emotions, the rewards can be great. We encourage all our clients to seek the authentic voice of your brand, and to speak to the heart and soul of the people you are trying to reach.

When we love the challenge and embrace the uncomfortable, it becomes a way of life. We are all likely to face opposition for causes we care about deeply, and it’s never easy. But behind every opinion there is a person…with a face, a name, a family, loves, fears, a history… all of these complexly and beautifully intertwined. When we open our world, we have everything to gain.

Thanks for reminding us, Heineken! We’ll drink to that.

LAUNCHED: WERS 88.9FM’s New Website

WERS 88.9FM: An elevation of content.

Dot Think has partnered with WERS 88.9FM to redesign and elevate their content, with a discerning audience in mind – people looking to discover and connect with great alternative music.

By creating a site that streams the station 24 hours a day, Dot Think delivered a website that makes it easy for music lovers to discover high-quality artists, explore music reviews and enjoy in-studio performances. The centerpiece of the site is a high-def digital streaming player, powered by TuneGenie, that informs listeners about the current song, while allowing them to click through to the playlist and find out more about the artists. It also supports site-wide navigation without interrupting the music, allowing WERS to expand their way of reaching customers with music reviews, video features of in-studio performances and more. The video features work seamlessly with the player, which automatically pauses the live stream audio when a video starts. The music starts again when the video finishes, or when the user navigates away from the video.

Dot Think also rose to the challenge of supporting with its objective of converting listeners to supporters by creating a robust blog, and providing a strategy and structure for content marketing. Consistently cited as the mostly highly rated and critically acclaimed college radio station in the country, WERS is listener-funded. Now, easily editable sections throughout the site offer a structure for promoting membership drives, while a site-wide donation button aims to capture more contributions. And with a new Join the Movement section and Ways to Give page, listeners can see a quick snapshot of options for giving, how to become a member, and ways to engage with the music community.

View it Now >

We are dedicated to making the world a better (sounding) place.

Art, music and public radio are essential cornerstones in a civilized society. With funding for the arts threatened, we are honored to collaborate with leaders in the Boston music community to maintain access to this key resource. WERS 88.9FM offers a public, commercial-free listening experience that blends curated classics with new discoveries and live music. And now, they have a web presence that reflects their ambitions.

Dot Think supports Fairfield County’s Community Foundation, the Give Back Yoga Foundation, Y12SR, the Foundation for MetroWest and Elephant Journal, among others.


8 tips for promoting your business on social media


It’s 2017 and social media continues to be all of the things. On one hand, it’s noisy and distracting. Our Facebook feeds present a never-ending stream of puppy videos and political scandal…and what superhuman can navigate this emotional hurricane without distraction? However, we keep coming back for more because there’s no denying it; social media is shaping the the way we consume news and current events. It offers us a platform to connect, organize, discuss, debate, celebrate and share.

Love it and hate it, social media is here to stay and we’ve discovered some smart ways to utilize this powerful tool for your business. Here’s our top eight.

# 1 Release your inhibitions…just try it!

promoting your business on social media

If you’re feeling a little awkward taking your message to the masses, don’t worry! This is a normal. What we call social media shyness is super common and easy to overcome. Learn by doing. Get your feet wet. Publish that first post and see what happens. We’re cheering for you!

#2 Use professional photos

promoting your business on social media

While building your social media presence, hire a professional photographer to take your headshot and images of your business. Everything you put into the digital landscape reflects back to you…so represent your high quality brand with high resolutions.

#3 Make a plan

promoting your business on social media

Start with posting once a week, and work your way up. As with anything else, consistency is key in social media marketing. Demonstrating an investment of time and passion to post regular high-quality content will establish your brand as a trusted source. Prefer to sit down once and schedule several weeks of posts in advance? Hootsuite is the most widely used platform for managing social media.

#4 Include your friends

promoting your business on social media

Invite your friends to like your business page. They probably will! Friends support us in our pursuits, and often have similar interests. Taking into consideration the six degrees of separation, friends of friends of friends will soon be liking and sharing your content.

#5 Fill out all the information

promoting your business on social media

Remember the “what, who, where, when, why” of every post. Sometimes it helps to take an idea to paper, and sketch out a few different versions. The challenge comes in making each post informative, but also bite-sized enough to get people interested and engaged. This takes practice…but we know you can do it!

#6 Show your community some love

promoting your business on social media

Our favorite thing about social media is the opportunity to bring together our local network around common causes and events. Tag your business partners, employees and clients so they will share too. Then watch as your community expands.

#7 Work with the algorithm

promoting your business on social media

Keep in mind that every audience is different. In fact, every DAY is different. An intricate Facebook algorithm decides which posts get shown to each user in their News Feed. Connect with like-minded people by staying authentic. Tweak your content with your audience in mind – but don’t forget what you’re trying to say.

#8 $ makes the world go round

promoting your business on social media

As mentioned earlier, it’s easy for a message to get lost in the noise. With paid advertising, your content will reach those more likely to consider it relevant and interesting. Whether you’re looking to increase page likes, post engagement, or website clicks, start with a small investment and see what happens.

One last thought

promoting your business on social media

Remember, all great things take patience – and this includes your successful social media network. Stay creative, stay consistent, try new things, fail big, fail bigger, keep going and soon your message will shine amongst the sea of social content.


Dot Think Design is a woman-owned & operated agency based in Fairfield County, CT that serves nonprofit and for-profit organizations across the US with branding and marketing strategy, print and web design, social media and email campaigns, technology solutions and development.


Celebrating Black History Month: The Power of Design to Influence Change

“The cost of liberty is less than the price of repression.”

—W.E.B. Du Bois

Dear Friends and Community,

February marks a month of remembrance for the accomplishments of black men and women. We celebrate the well known figures as well as the everyday heroes; those who led the charge towards equality for their families and those who pushed for freedom for all in America. This month we consider the importance of history and how to honor its lessons. We remember how this country overcame challenges, how dark times were bravely transformed into light, and how good design and good data helped to dispel dangerous stereotypes.

Publications 2Here at Dot Think Design, we’re tipping our hats to Quartz Media for beautifully highlighting the contributions of W.E.B. Du Bois and his students in the 1900 World’s Fair. See the article.

35 years after the abolishment of slavery in the US, Du Bois and his students created 60 hand-drawn infographics demonstrating the presence of African American men and women living in Georgia. As a result, these revolutionary data visualizations challenged many preconceptions of who black Americans were and how they lived their lives. This attention towards the intellectual achievements and real experiences of black Americans would begin to replace exploited myths of African American communities as uncivilized, as outsiders, as the Other.

Knowledge is power. This cold hard data and tasteful design invited discussion while disputing assumptions based on ignorance and fear. In our time of brilliant technology, we offer a warm reminder against the tides of misinformation. We encourage your voice to join the conversation whether this takes the form of infographic, poetry or song.


“The time is always right to do what is right.”
—Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Dot Think Design is a woman-owned & operated agency based in Fairfield County, CT that serves nonprofit and for-profit organizations across the US with branding and marketing strategy, print and web design, social media and email campaigns, technology solutions and development.